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Anke Hassel and Bruno Palier. Eds. 2025. Growth strategies and welfare reforms: How nations cope with economic transitions. OUP.

Anke Hassel and Bruno Palier. 2025. The Political Economy of the Welfare State: From Power Resources to Varieties of Capitalism to Growth Strategies? In: Marino Regini (ed.) Handbook of Comparative Political Economy. Edward Elgar.

Anke Hassel and Pit Jasper Lee. 2025. Comparative growth regimes and welfare state reforms. In: Bernhard Ebbinghaus and Moira Nelson (eds.). Handbook on Welfare State Reform Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Advancements. Edward Elgar.

Anke Hassel. 2025. The limits of fissurization in platform work: the case of food delivery services. In: Silvia Rainone and Kurt Vandaele (eds.) ‘The Elgar Companion to Regulating Platform Work: Insights from the Food Delivery Sector’. Edward Elgar.

Anke Hassel, Pit Lee and Kilian Weil. 2025. Gewerkschaftsmodelle im internationalen Vergleich. In: Wolfgang Schroeder (ed.) Handbuch Gewerkschaften.

Recent Publications

  • Anke Hassel and Kilian Weil. 2024. Social Dialogue in Transition. In: Stéphane Carcillo & Stefano Scarpetta. (eds.). Handbook on Labour Markets in Transition. Edward Elgar.
  • Di Carlo, D., Hassel, A., & Höpner, M. 2024. Growth coalitions within a corporatist setting: how manufacturing interests dominated the German response to the energy crisis. Politics & Society, 00323292241292920.
  • Höpner, M., Di Carlo, D., & Hassel, A. 2024. Shielding competitiveness: Germany’s wage policy during the inflation shock years in comparative perspective. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 10242589241300114.
  • Hassel, Anke and Kilian Weil. 2023. Social partners in the green transition of the EU. Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung (4), 15-34.
  • Hassel, Anke. 2023. Mission impossible? How to increase collective bargaining coverage in Germany and the EU. Transfer
  • Hassel, Anke and Bruno Palier 2023. Same Trend, different Paths: Growth and Welfare Regimes across Time and Space. Annual Review of Political Science (26), 347-368.
  • Hassel, Anke and Didem Özkiziltan. 2023. Governing the work-related risks of AI: implications for the German government and trade unions. Transfer 29 (1), 1-16.
  • Hassel, A., & Wegrich, K. 2022. How to do public policy. Oxford University Press.
  • Hassel, Anke and Felix Sieker 2022. How Amazon changed work in logistics in the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 28(3), 363–382.
  • Hassel, Anke, Bruno Palier, Sonja Avlijaš 2020. The pursuit of growth. Growth regimes, growth strategies and welfare reforms in advanced capitalist economies. Stato e Mercato 1/2020, no. 118, 41-77.
  • Didem Özkiziltan and Anke Hassel. 2021. Artificial Intelligence at Work: An Overview of the Literature. Available at SSRN
  • Didem Özkiziltan, Anke Hassel. 2020. Humans versus Machines: An Overview of Research on the Effects of Automation of Work - Available at SSRN 3789992
  • Anke Hassel, Bruno Palier, Sonja Avlijas. 2020. The pursuit of growth. Growth regimes, growth strategies and welfare reforms in advanced capitalist economies. Stato e mercato. Fascicolo 1, aprile 2020.
  • Naczyk, Marek and Anke Hassel. 2019. Insuring individuals...and politicians: Financial services providers, stock market risk and the politics of private pension guarantees in Germany. In: Anke Hassel and Tobias Wiss eds. 2019. The Political Economy of Pension Financialisation: Public Polic Responses to the Crisis. Special Issue of the Journal of European Public Policy.
  • Anke Hassel und Sophia von Verschuer. 2019. Ein europäischer Rechtsrahmen für Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung in transnationalen Unternehmen. WSI-Mitteilungen 2/2019.
  • Hassel, Anke. 2019. Kann das weg? Optionen der Reform der Grundsicherung für Langzeitarbeitslose. In: ifo-Schnelldienst 6/2019.
  • Hassel, Anke, Marek Naczyk and Tobias Wiss. 2019. The Political Economy of Pension Financialisation: Public Polic Responses to the Crisis. In: Anke Hassel and Tobias Wiss eds. 2019. Special Issue of the Journal of European Public Policy.