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Hassel, Anke, Christof Schiller. 2010. Der Fall Hartz IV. Wie es zur Agenda 2010 kam und wie es weiter geht. Campus: Frankfurt. download [1.417 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2006. Wage Setting, Social Pacts and the Euro. A New Role for the State. Amsterdam University Press. download [1.388 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 1999. Gewerkschaften und sozialer Wandel. Mitgliederrekrutierung und Arbeitsbeziehungen in Deutschland und Großbritannien. Nomos-Verlag: Baden Baden. download [1.734 KB]


Hassel, Anke and Felix Sieker. 2021. Contested Terrain: three battlefields in which to study the digital economy. download [631 KB]


Didem Özkiziltan, Anke Hassel. 2020. Humans versus Machines: An Overview of Research on the Effects of Automation of Work - Available at SSRN 3789992

Anke Hassel, Sophia von Verschuer, Nicole Helmerich. 2018. Workers' Voice and Good Corporate Governance. Düsseldorf. download [1.772 KB]

Anke Hassel und Wolfgang Schroeder. 2018. Gewerkschaften 2030. Rekrutierungsdefizite, Repräsentationslücken und neue Strategien der Mitgliederpolitik. Reihe: WSI Report, Nr. 44. Düsseldorf. download [570 KB]

Anke Hassel and Nicole Helmerich. 2017. Workers' Voice in the 100 largest European Firms. Hans Böckler Stiftung. download. [542 KB]

Anke Hassel. 2015. Workers' Voice and Good Corporate Governance in Transnational Firms in Europe - Open Questions. download. [586 KB]

Articles and Chapters

Anke Hassel, Bruno Palier, Sonja Avlijas. 2020. The pursuit of growth. Growth regimes, growth strategies and welfare reforms in advanced capitalist economies. Stato e mercato. Fascicolo 1, aprile 2020. download [352 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2019. Kann das weg? Optionen der Reform der Grundsicherung für Langzeitarbeitslose. In: ifo-Schnelldienst 6/2019.

Hassel, Anke und Bettina Wagner. 2018. Die Reform der Entsenderichtlinie: Notwendige Voraussetzung für einen besseren Binnenmarkt. In: ifo-Schnelldienst 3/2018, S. 8-12. download [1.943 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2016. No way to escape imbalances in the Eurozone? Three sources for Germany’s export dependency: Industrial relations, social insurance and fiscal federalism. In: German Politics. download [630 KB]

Hassel, Anke and Bettina Wagner. 2017. The EU's "Migration Crisis": Challenge, Threat or Opportunity? In: David Natali and Bart Vanhercke (eds.) "Social Policy in the European Union - state of play 2016". ETUI-OSE Brussels. download [301 KB]

Wagner, Bettina and Anke Hassel. 2016. Move to Work, Move to Stay? Mapping Atypical Labour Migration into Germany. In: Jon Erik Dolvik and Line Eldring (eds.). Labour Mobility in the Enlarged Single European Market. Comparative Social Research. Vol. 32. download [791 KB]

Hassel, Anke, Jette Steen Knudsen and Bettina Wagner. 2016. Winning the Battle or Losing the War: The Impact of European Integration on Labour Market Institutions in Germany and Denmark. Journal of European Public Policy. Published online: 6 July 2016. download [1.917 KB]

Wagner, Bettina and Anke Hassel. 2016. Posting, subcontracting and low-wage employment in the German meat industry. In: Transfer Special Issue on "Labour mobility in the EU: between economic freedom and labour standards" to be published as No. 2/2016. Here online.

Hassel, Anke and Nicole Helmerich. 2016. Institutionalizing Self-regulatory Labour Standards. In: Yossi Dahan, Hanna Lerner, Faina Milman-Sivan (eds.). Global Justice and International Labour Rights. Cambridge University Press. download [247 KB]

Wagner, Bettina und Anke Hassel. 2015. Europäische Arbeitskräftemobilität nach Deutschland – Ein Überblick über Entsendung, Arbeitnehmerfreizügigkeit, Saisonarbeit und Niederlassungsfreiheit von EU-Bürgern in Deutschland Forschungsbericht für die Hans-Böckler-Stiftung Nr. 301. Zum download hier [368 KB] Eichhorst, Werner and Anke Hassel. 2015. Are There Austerity Related Policy Changes in Germany? IZA Discussion Paper No. 9325. download [113 KB]

Hassel, Anke and Bettina Wagner. 2015. The Role of Multinational Enterprises for the Promotion of Equality-Oriented Policies. In: Alexander Graser, David Jackson (eds.): Equality-Oriented Policies - The Concept, Nomos Baden-Baden (Band I der Schriftenreihe Gleichheitsorientierte Politiken). download [155 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2015. Trade unions and the Future of Democratic Capitalism. In: Pablo Beramendi, Silja Häusermann, Herbert Kitschelt, Hanspeter Kriesi (eds.): The Future of Advanced Capitalism. Cambridge University Press. download [237 KB]

Hassel, Anke 2015. Public Policy In: James Wright (ed.) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Science. 2nd edition. download [175 KB]

Bettina Wagner and Anke Hassel. 2015. Labor Migration and the German Meat Processing Industry: Fundamental Freedoms and the Influx of Cheap Labor. In: South Atlantic Quarterly 114 (1): 204-214; doi:10.1215/00382876-2831643. download. [772 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2014. Jenseits der Euro-Rettung – Für einen Perspektivwechsel in der Europadiskussion. In: der moderne staat 1/2014. download [129 KB]

Hassel, Anke 2014. Adjustments in the Eurozone: Varieties of Capitalism and the Crisis in Southern Europe. LEQS Working Paper No. 76, May 2014. download. [263 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2014. The German Model in Transition. In: Stephen Padgett, William Paterson and Reimut Zohlnhöfer (eds.) Developments in German Politics 4. Palgrave. download. [197 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2013. “Employment relations, welfare and politics”. In: Carola Frege, John Kelly (eds). Comparative Employment Relations. Routledge: Abingdon. pp.131-148. download. [167 KB]

Anderson, Karen and Anke Hassel. 2013. “Pathways of Change in CMEs. Training Regimes in Germany and the Netherlands”. In: Anne Wren (ed.) The Political Economy of the Service Transition. Oxford University Press, pp.171-194. download. [104 KB]

Hassel, Anke and Waltraud Schelkle. 2012. “The Policy Consensus Ruling European Political Economy: The Political Attractions, of Discredited Economics.” In: Global Policy. pp. 16-27. download. [121 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2012. “The Paradox of Liberalization – Understanding dualism and the recovery of the German political economy.” In: British Journal of Industrial Relations. download. [345 KB]

Hassel, Anke and Susanne Lütz. 2012. "Balancing Competition and Cooperation. The State’s New Power in Crisis Management." European Institute. LSE Europe in Question Discussion Paper Series, No. 51/2012. download. [860 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2010. “Multi-level Governance and Organized Interests.” In: Henrik Enderlein, Sonja Wälti, Michael Zürn (eds.) Handbook on Multi-Level Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham. download. [96 KB]

Hassel, Anke, Susanne Lütz. 2010. "Durch die Krise aus der Krise? Die neue Stärke des Staates". der moderne staat. 2/2010, pp. 251-272. download. [203 KB]

Hassel, Anke, Christof Schiller. 2010. "Sozialpolitik im Finanzföderalismus. Hartz IV als Antwort auf die Krise der Kommunalfinanzen". In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift. 51:1, pp. 95-117. download. [220 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2008. “The Evolution of a Global Labour Governance Regime.” In: Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions. 21:2, pp. 231-251. download [426 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2008. “Policies and Politics in Social Pacts in Europe”. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations. 15:1, pp. 7-26. download. [141 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2007. What does business want? Labour market reform in CME and its problems. In: Martin Rhodes, Bob Hancké and Mark Thatcher (eds.), Institutional Change in Contemporary European Capitalism. Conflict, Contradiction and Complementarities. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 253-277. download. [279 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2006. “Die Schwächen des deutschen Kapitalismus”. In: Volker R. Berghahn and Sigurt Vitols (eds.), Gibt es einen deutschen Kapitalismus? Tradition und globale Perspektiven der sozialen Marktwirtschaft. Campus: Frankfurt a.M., pp. 200-214. download. [2.281 KB]

Hassel, Anke. 2006. “Zwischen Politik und Arbeitsmarkt. Zum Wandel gewerkschaftlicher Eliten in Deutschland.” In: Herfried Münkler, Grit Straßenberger and Matthias Bohlenender (eds.), Deutschlands Eliten im Wandel. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus: Frankfurt a.M., pp. 199-220.

Hassel, Anke. 2006. “Die Erosion der gewerkschaftlichen Lobbymacht.” In: Thomas Leif and Rudolf Speth (eds.) Die fünfte Gewalt. Lobbyismus in Deutschland. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden, pp. 188-198. download. [2.139 KB]

Streeck, Wolfgang and Anke Hassel. 2004. “The Crumbling Pillars of Social Partnership.” In: West European Politics, Special Issue on Germany. Beyond the Stable State. Edited by Herbert Kitschelt and Wolfgang Streeck, 26: 4 October, pp. 103-124.

Hassel, Anke. 2003. ”The Politics of Social Pacts.” In: British Journal of Industrial Relations. 41:4 December, pp. 707-726. download. [106 KB]

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